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多段式貪睡鬧鐘 - Alarm Clock Reboot

Alarm Clock Reboot相信現在很多人已經習慣使用智慧型手機當鬧鐘,而鬧鐘 App 大多設有貪睡功能,當被吵醒之後,讓你再度睡一會兒,從而達到從深度睡眠中逐漸醒來。《Alarm Clock Reboot》的貪睡功能則與眾不同,它將貪睡時間劃分為 4 個時段,再透過各種不同顏色告知你是否必須起床、或可繼續賴在床上。
例如,橙色代表進入最後一個小時、紅色代表時間到了、紫色表示你必須立刻起床.....讓你瞥一眼就能知悉當前時間。由於 App 無法在鎖機下運作,這樣很耗電力,官方建議必須插上電源充電才可使用。另外,《Alarm Clock Reboot》提供一個十分獨特的圓盤來設置響鬧時間,可以快速設定時間、貪睡時段和時間和音效等。

種 類: 工具程式
版 本: 1.2
大 小: 62.7MB
適 用: iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad
本軟體介紹時為限時免費, 請你下
載時留意價格, 若有誤差敬請見諒
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pslvseoa6 說...

WakingNews Alarm Clock app
WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.
